Nothing but Dance.png

Game Preview:


Interactive Video Game


Nothing but Dance is the artist's response to the people's behavior and our media industry, which consumes the public's pain in the global crisis. The piece takes the form of a classic musical rhythm game, where players tap keys in sync with the music and on-screen arrows to achieve high scores. But behind the strong electronic music and dazzled animation, the artist created a doomsday-era self-consoling program. And what the program presents are a brainwashing music full of slogans, and an absurd game setting jumping full screen of perfect characters.

In the 2020 global epidemic situation, direct communication between people is restricted, and electronic windows have become our main channel for news and entertainment. These ‘windows’ brought news and entertainment, yet the realities they portrayed felt distant. In the apocalyptic era, all disasters and pains are transmitted and fermented on these electronic screens and network windows. It seems that whether they are true or not is no longer important. The reality has retreated behind the scenes, and the media has become an entertainment industry. All information is born to cater to the exciting point of the public. It's irrespective of reality and intended above all to entertain.